Danny Ammon

Danny Ammon

Private Website


Anomalistics is research in sciences and humanities which deal with scientific anomalies, exceptional human experiences and fringe sciences. This field includes, for example, phenomena and theses from astrology, hypnosis, cryptozoology, parapsychology, etc. Anomalistics itself does not imply any content-related positions and distances itself from all forms of dogmatic thinking and acting, whether directed for or against certain parascientific theses. Non-profit associations promote corresponding investigations as well as a controversial but constructive dialogue between different substantive positions in this field.

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UAP Research

"Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" ("UAP") or Unidentified Flying Objects ("UFOs") are aerial phenomena whose observed or recorded appearance, trajectory or luminous behavior defy conventional explanation. The observation of UAP, and personal, social and scientific consequences resulting from these experiences are investigated in the sense of citizen science in non-profit associations with scientific approaches. For the majority of the individual cases investigated, conventional causes can be found by experts in retrospect. Cases that remain unexplained are collected and analyzed without encouraging speculation about any exotic causes. Connections between UAP experiences and the topos of intelligent extraterrestrials in popular culture are, however, investigated, e.g., by social science.

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